Pee Dee GIS User Group
powered by TidyHQ
Welcome to the Pee Dee GIS User Group
Pee Dee GIS User Group Mission Statement:
To provide strong Geographic Information Systems (GIS) support, training and networking resources to the Pee Dee and surrounding areas of South Carolina
Pee Dee User Group Objectives:
• Establish a network of individuals that can support and assist other GIS professionals
• Support and promote the development of GIS and GIS applications within the Pee Dee and surrounding areas of South Carolina
• Provide opportunities to learn valuable GIS technical skills and uses of GIS software along with the latest news on software updates and changes
• Highlight the potential efficiency and effectiveness of GIS through collaborative efforts among governmental agencies
• Hold four quarterly meetings annually with a focus on training and knowledge sharing.
Get more information about our group.
Membership is affordable at only $30.00 per year. Regular membership includes access to four meeting during the year that allow for networking with peers, cutting edge GIS oriented presentations, and lunch. Regular membership is a fixed 12 month membership that starts on January 1st of every year. No matter what time of year you pay, all memberships will expire at the end of the year. Regular membership also allows you to bring one guest to any one meeting during the course of a membership year. Get started with your membership now.
Guests and presenters will need to create a TidyHQ account and register for a Pee Dee GIS User Group event so we can get you in the headcount for food. Go to the membership page and choose the appropriate membership type.